By Anonymous - 29/03/2013 01:13 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I came home from work to my 4-year old daughter cussing left and right. I asked her about it; she said that her brother had taught her some words. When I confronted him about the situation, he kicked my shin and screamed, "Stop treating me like a fucking child!" He's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 194
You deserved it 18 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You cant blame it completely on the child. You being his parent are responsible for his development.


Annoying kids, that's that shit I don't like!

Growing up myself, I learned my cuss words around age 10. I had learned it from some "bad" kids at school. They kept saying these words and I thought it was "cool" to say it too.. When my parents heard it... Ohhhh my father beat me. Sometimes you have to show a little discipline for results. Even if its grounding them or hitting them, but not to the verge of... Well you know what I mean. Every time he heard it, I would get a hard hit to my shin with a belt. That made me scared to curse or say another bad word till I was grown up myself. It's going to be inevitable but at that age... They cannot be saying things like that!

generalasskicker 12

A spanking is just you exerting control, and losing control. That is archaic thinking if you ask me. Spanking is not the way to go. I use to get spanked and the torture was over with in a few minutes. I use to punish my cousins for bad behavior by taking away privileges, time outs, making them run around the yard till I was tired of them running and the threat of making them stand up in front of their peers and say what they did. If you just think about the things that you really didn't like as oppose to a spanking you might come up with some real discipline instead of a spanking.

jem970 19

Ok 39 that was yout experiance. Whenever I got spanked I made damn sure that I didnt do anything like that again to get spanked because I hated it. It hurt and felt really bad afterwards. Spanking can be just as useful of a tool depending on the kid.

Well fine, then spank away. This post is just a prime example of mimicking, just wait till your kid is trying to spank your youngest or someone else's child for doing "something wrong."

jem970 19

Then you need to sit down with that child and tell them what is appropriate for the parent to do and what is not ok for a sibling to do. Its not that hard.

Why can't I sit down and explain to the kid that swearing isn't alright? Why do I have to spank them as a tool to make my point when there are other methods. By your logic I should spank for bad behavior, but then talk to them about another bad behavior? If I can just talk it out to begin with, why spank? I have cared for many children in my 35 years and NEVER spanked a single one. Children can understand reason to a certain point, you just have to have the patience to teach them why what they are doing is wrong. To me, a spanking just means you don't have the patience to actually TALK to them.

jem970 19

Did you read the FML? She tried. The kid kicked her and told her to "stop treating me like a ******* child!"

I read it. I see what OP wrote. I don't think that a kid that says that is just going to stand there and take a spanking without more foul language being spewed out from his mouth. How many spanking is it going to take? Are you saying that ONE spanking would be sufficient to cure his foul mouth? I hardly think that.

jem970 19

Taking away the kids toys for an hour isnt going to do much good either. And spanking once doesnt always fix a serious problem. Sometimes it takes a combo of many things, like washing the kids mouth out with soap.

Time to call super-nanny in, if you ask me.

strawberrywine22 30

I wish I could vote both FYL and YDI. FYL cause that's going to be tough to get them to stop, and *possibly* YDI because obviously he heard those words somewhere. Not that I have room to judge...I'm currently paying the swear jar at my sister's place every time her son says the F-word, since he heard it from me.

So what you're saying is its the parent's fault their child learned something that was completely put of their control? If that was true, technically your sister should be at fault for something YOU taught her kid, and SHE should be putting money in the swear jar. Yeah, makes perfect sense.

That is what is what an ass whooping is for. Wash his little mouth out with soap and tell him that kind of behavior won't be tolerated and if he continues with that kind of language his toys and privelages will be taken away. That is what's wrong with kids today. Parents try to be more of a friend than an actual parent. When I was a kid we got our mouths washed out with Dawn dish soap, a butt whooping, and we got privelages taken away. whats this world coming to?!

strawberrywine22 30

What it's coming to is these days you'll get the cops called on you for merely swatting your kid on the butt. Parents aren't allowed to discipline their kids anymore.

WolfGirlRin 12

We can but it has to be an open hand slap on the butt. Can't be anywhere else or any other way.

You know that 'parent' is also a verb, right?? Perhaps you could have a go at teaching your kids to behave themselves....

350Rocket 6

What, you let a five year old stay at home alone with a four year old? Obviously there are going to be issues. Get a babysitter, genius.

UnluckyGenius 21

My mom use to be a pre-k teacher, if the kids misbehaved they lost their playground privileges, snack time, and forced nap time during any movie. It might also help that the teachers were allowed to spank at the school.. Needless to say their was rarely any trouble.