By Anonymous - 29/03/2013 01:13 - United States - Sunnyvale

Today, I came home from work to my 4-year old daughter cussing left and right. I asked her about it; she said that her brother had taught her some words. When I confronted him about the situation, he kicked my shin and screamed, "Stop treating me like a fucking child!" He's 5. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 194
You deserved it 18 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You cant blame it completely on the child. You being his parent are responsible for his development.


My only questions are, why are you a guy telling another guy he isn't attractive? Why is your profile description a poorly written poem in all caps?

Blaze321 5
sugarbear0727 19

Well, be a parent and discipline the little shit. I understand shit happens, and sometimes they will hear you or your spouse say a bad word, but tell them that its a grown up word and that if repeated, they will get in trouble. My niece used to repeat bad words, and she wouls get in trouble. Now, she's also five, if you say a bad word in front of her, she'll make you apologize for saying the bad word. She'll look at you and go 'Um, you said a bad word, say sorry.' And if you don't, she'll tell you to do it over and over again till you do.

mercC63girl 6

Show him what it's like to be treated like an adult! When giving him candy take half of it away and tell him it's rent payment

Shouldn't you watch what your children does?

Time for some good old fashioned arse whoopings

tatermater94 5