The biggest lie

By dumb - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that I was held back in preschool because of some developmental issues. My parents didn't think it was important enough to mention it to me. Why hadn't I figured it out? They also lied to me about how old I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 883
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. At least you're a year closer to being able to go out drinking.

Turnabout is fair play. I suggest slipping lots of drugs into their drinks so they fall into a coma and don't wake up for years and then tell them it was only a few days.


FYL, that's an awful thing your parents did to you.

voveraite 7

So I assume you are older than 10, possibly a teen. How come you were not curious to see your birth certificate /some other ID document you have so far? This just makes me question the authenticity of the FML, but otherwise, oh my lord, what a huge failure at parenting!

I certainly never cared to see mine when I was young... as I replied to another comment here, I didn't get mine until I needed it to get a job, since I didn't have an ID... because I didn't need it, and I wasn't curious. I mean, it says when and where I was born, and my parents... all things I already knew... What's there to be interested in, unless you have some weird suspicion at the age of 10 that your parents are lying about it?

swooshq 0

Who actually looks at their birth certificate, most people [I guess] don't. Eh, i've never been curious

voveraite 7

Well, a birth certificate you have from the very beginning, right? And isn't one needed for enrolling at school? (Not from US, so no clue about this). And anyway, as soon as I learned reading I was curious to inspect any document that officially attested my existence /grin.

Pretty sure you're not the OP and that no one was asking you.

plutosaplanet 0

i was actually one of those weird kids who inspected everything on my birth cerificate. im now 27 and my boss needed my bc for paperwork for the new job. he asked why my first name has my middle initial after it. due to a typo when they filled in my birth certificate my legal name is christina m marie. 27 years and i never noticed that so i think this is feasible.

#48... I think at the age of 6 when you enroll for school, you're not the one doing it, but your parents are... or am I wrong?

Maybe OP did want to see the birth certificate but her parents said they lost it or something?

this is hilarious! FYL but its not that big of a deal

hmmm... that's exactly what happened to Christina Applegate in "Samantha Who?"....

That...really sucks. How old are you now?

NGM_47 0

WOW! FYL!! But if that were me, I would remember...I have so many things that I remember when I was 3 years old. I guess not everyone remembers everything, but I certainly would remember preschool.

NGM_47 0

WOW! FYL!! But if that were me, I would remember...I have so many things that I remember from when I was 3 years old. I guess not everyone remembers everything, but I certainly would remember preschool. AHH!! Double post!! My first time that I typed this, it it is a double post, but the other comment keeps disappearing =/

I wouldn't... I don't remember much from before i was like 10.

10...? That's a pretty bad memory. Or you just had nothing worth remembering before then :/ F YOUR Life

Lol thanks. I think the sleep problems i had at that time might have something to do with it though.

I remember vaguely some stuff starting around 6 years old. It's pretty normal.

I don't particularly remember... well, /any/ of my childhood that well. Just a few vague memories here and there, mostly.... well, yeah, probably around 10 and up.

Bruce9707 0

My parents did that to my little brother. They said it was because they wanted him to be the older kid in class or something. He thinks it was a post-preschool pre-kindergarten thing, but he was just held back.

In this case it's not really 'holding' back in the same sense as academic issues.. My brother was in the same boat and my sister will be too.. They have early september birthdays so either they are the youngest person in the class or one of the oldest. Other wise it has them starting college at 17... Holding back to me implies developmental skills are lacking in some sort. Having them be in Pre K /k in that year again makes it so they aren't way far behind in age.

daydreambeliever 0

Starting college at just barely 17, I can tell you its no walk in the park. I was never taken seriously and many people treated me like a child. Also its harder to get a job and support yourself. But for the kids who CAN do it, I think they should have the rights of an 18 year old.

Well depending on the college, some stuff can be witheld from you. Like campus jobs. Also, certain clubs, coffee shops and other things they may not be able to even get in at 18 also aiding the experience. it's not going to hurt to wait the extra year early on. My brother just went to preschool an extra year, and he started college at 18 turning 19 instead of 17 turning 18.

leggomygreggo112 0

I started college when I was 15/almost 16 through a dual enrollment program. I'm 18 now and already have my AA. College isn't that hard. I have a Nov. bithday, so I was always one of the youngest ones in class, too.

No one said college was hard lol... I was in college too at 17 (just a local one though).... But a main university can be difficult with living and what not. Many things require you to be 18, like i said, jobs around the area, coffee shops that your professors might ask you to go to to attend events. Things of the sort.

theunluckyleproc 0
JournalKeeper 0

dang that sucks dude. great "fml" FYL omg... i've never had a nice comment but this one