Welcome to the rest of your life

By no ohhhh - 14/05/2022 02:01

Today, I finally had sex after 3 long years. It lasted less than a minute, followed by 2 hours of talking about anime.. I'm in my 30s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 907
You deserved it 461

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Talk about hentai and kill two birds with one stone.

you gotta pre game when it's been that long. about 3 hours before hand is usually about right.


you gotta pre game when it's been that long. about 3 hours before hand is usually about right.

Talk about hentai and kill two birds with one stone.

I mean, if the overall experience was one that built a connection between you and your partner, and you both came away not-unhappy [I mean, yes, your tone implies you weren't happy, but still...] - Then why should the specifics matter? Will it not lead to more, and presumably better, no-pants-dances and thorough conversations about anime? Assuming that's something both you enjoy. If you're not into it and the whole experience was truly upsetting... Well, then, that's when you weigh the pros and cons of staying in the relationship - But that's a separate/expanded conversation, is it not?

Talking about Anime for 2 hours doesn't sound bad at all! Next time time do it before and use it as part of the foreplay

I can discuss Speed Racer for 30 seconds then I'm out.

As long as you still get them off you probably won't lose points. It's when you get there and you don't bother to finish them that really makes you look bad.