The biggest lie

By dumb - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that I was held back in preschool because of some developmental issues. My parents didn't think it was important enough to mention it to me. Why hadn't I figured it out? They also lied to me about how old I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 883
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. At least you're a year closer to being able to go out drinking.

Turnabout is fair play. I suggest slipping lots of drugs into their drinks so they fall into a coma and don't wake up for years and then tell them it was only a few days.


cooliekid 0

honestly... I don't think any set of parents would lie to their kids about failing pre-school because if you are old enough to drive and stuff you need to provide LEGAL documentation like how on earth did you get enrolled in school? they have your records... YDI

Maybe she's NOT old enough to drive? Or maybe she is and never bothered to get her license? I didn't get my license until I was 22 simply because I never needed a car until then. Enrolling in school? Probably something her parents did. I obviously can't speak for every school, but I never needed my birth certificate to re-enroll every year. My parents probably needed it the first time I started school in kindergarten at age 5, but after that the school kept everything on file. I honestly can't remember needing my birth certificate to enroll in college either. But maybe I did. I can't even remember because who cares about their birth certificate? You should already know everything it says - your name, your parents' names, the day you were born, your sex, etc. Why would anyone suspect they were being lied to and carefully inspect their birth certificate? Most people who have actually handled their birth certificate don't really read what it says because it's not anything new.

Actually, 74, I have been to several different clinics, doctors and hospitals and they always ask for your birthday, whether it be verbally from you or your parent, for verification.

Wow... I would actually hate my parents forever for that. And for all you people who say that she would have seen her birth certificate, I haven't seen mine and I'm 15. I have obviously seen my passport but something like 90% of Americans never travel abroad (I don't know where I found that statistic but that was roughly it) and many don't even have a passport.

suckstobeyou3 0

@ cooliekid: Think about what you wrote before you click the comment button -.- PARENTS enroll you in school. The SCHOOL has your records, not you. Students aren't even allowed to view their or anybody else's records. She still has no reason as to why she would even need to see the papers, assuming she is too young to get her license. All it says on the certificate is her name, parents, hospital, and birthday. Things she assumed she already knew. Sure, YOUR parents wouldn't do that, but you don't have the same parents as the OP. Some parents are awful. In conclusion, in no way, shape, or form would the OP ever deserve this.

suckstobeyou3 0

77 - Good for you. I haven't.

Regardless if the OP ever laid eyes upon their birth certificate or not, the other family members (grandparents, aunts, uncles or possibly family friends) would have sent a birthday card sometime in the OP's life with the correct age on it.

coolandsarcastic 0

This is ridiculous. I agree with everyone who's saying that they should have figured it out.