The biggest lie

By dumb - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that I was held back in preschool because of some developmental issues. My parents didn't think it was important enough to mention it to me. Why hadn't I figured it out? They also lied to me about how old I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 883
You deserved it 4 676

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ouch. At least you're a year closer to being able to go out drinking.

Turnabout is fair play. I suggest slipping lots of drugs into their drinks so they fall into a coma and don't wake up for years and then tell them it was only a few days.


letitbe56 0

Your parents are weird. Developmental issues are really common, and they don't make you dumb. Einstein had developmental issues, for example. It just means you didn't meet the same milestones at the same time as other children. I'm not sure why they wanted to hide this from you so bad that they would lie about your age. That's seriously weird, and probably caused more problems for you than slow development did. FYL.

YDI for not being able to figure out your age from your birthdate. How is lying about age even possible? I call BS.

AntiChrist7 0

Well it's clear where your issues come from, genes don't lie.

flyboy57 0

OUCH! at least it was a white lie that was suposed to spare your feelings.

my bet is that OP is too young to being a year older than she previously thought isn't that life-changing it'd be a different story if she were, say, actually 21 but didn't know it...

shirvon100 0

haha thats hilarious thats like the ultimate Punking ever ashton kutcher cant even top that. FYL

hello69_fml 0

you stole this FML off of the movie "Almost Famous"

Actually, in 'Almost Famous' its the reverse. In the FML they were held back and thought they were younger. In the movie the mother skips him ahead a few grades and tells him he's older then he actually is.

wait how old are you?!?! youre in preschool and youre posting fmls, or are you reminiscing on your past? haha a 6 year old posting fmls... awesome!

Would be pretty embarrassing for you if that was true considering she has a better grasp on grammar than you.

hahaha id love to see that... i just dont like using apostrophes and capitalization when i type stuff on the internet

Yeah. Why would you care about shit like that on a text based forum...

Held back in preschool? That's retarded. You make it sound like preschool is a requirement for kindergarten. I didn't go to preschool and I did just fine, so I'm assuming you were either severely mentally handicapped, this is a bullshit FML or your parents just enjoy wasting money on you getting to sit around a room filled with other kids doing nothing of importance all day.

You have no idea what the OP means by developmental issues. She could have had trouble socializing, or communicating, or behavioral problems or any number of things that meant she wasn't ready to go to kindergarten. Kindergartens do actually have restrictions on what kids have to be able to do before they can start. They have to be out of nappies for example.