By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 16:46 - United States

Today, I spent three hours getting ready to go out to lunch with my boyfriend, only to find out he meant we're going to the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart so he can also pick up condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 655
You deserved it 9 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Three hours, were you sewing clothes?

koco4 0

I think she was literally putting on her face. I can understand if it was a first date, but not in a relationship. She just screams high maintenance.


perdix 29

Don't use condoms! Where are we going to get the next generation of losers to laugh at on PeopleOfWalmart,com?

Cheap Wal-Mart condoms break. Trust me, PoWM will endure!

perdix 29

I wouldn't be surprised if they pre-perforate them to ensure a steady supply of Wal*Mart shoppers.

I'm just proud I know what the word "perforate" means... :S

Shit, I thought the saran wrap I was using was good enough. You mean perforated condoms work even better? I hear they're more "breathable". Oh and OP, when and if you ever have sex again, stay on top you can't get pregnant that way because of gravity, it's a well known fact. ;D

actually you can still prego your ego if your on top. semen can shoot out up to 20mph. so yea.. always use condoms too!!!

hifatpeople 0

why would you spend three hours just to go eat?

So you get sex AND McDonalds? That's pretty much my idea of a perfect Sunday.

Gymnastman 0

All that means is that u get to suck on a mcflurry and mr happy at the same time

ninba20 0

lol...well at lease he didnt tell u to order from the dollar menu...

Gazoooo 0

if you spent 3 hrs getting ready for a lunch date you should be happy anyone wanted to take you anywhere

nikkiii23 0

Please tell me this was in Rolla. It will make my week.

WOW_idc123 0

Wow I'm a girl and it only takes me like 15-30 minutes to get ready. Just depends if I had taken a shower yet