By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 16:46 - United States

Today, I spent three hours getting ready to go out to lunch with my boyfriend, only to find out he meant we're going to the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart so he can also pick up condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 655
You deserved it 9 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Three hours, were you sewing clothes?

koco4 0

I think she was literally putting on her face. I can understand if it was a first date, but not in a relationship. She just screams high maintenance.


buttshapedfruit 0

don't be silly, wrap your willy! haha

well I think it's a win win condoms? that's great

sergio50150 0

sounds like you have a great guy and a real keeper.

ndiesal 0

Hmm...well look on the bright side, at least you won't be the one to make him his sammich

ghoulie 0

Sidenote: I'd just like to state my amazement that Snickerdoodles hasn't commented yet. Maybe there is a god? :p

You idiot. who takes 3 hours to get ready for a lunch? you should also know your boyfriend better than you apparently do.

courtneybetchmm 0

Dude, Wtf your going to get some so stfu, stop wining and go make mama some pancakes.

At least you got lunch. That was the point right??? or did it take you four hours to eat it cause after every bite you had to re-apply your lip shit??

BTW condoms = party. Next time tell us a real FML.

good thing he bought condoms...we dont want your kind reproducing