By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 16:46 - United States

Today, I spent three hours getting ready to go out to lunch with my boyfriend, only to find out he meant we're going to the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart so he can also pick up condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 655
You deserved it 9 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Three hours, were you sewing clothes?

koco4 0

I think she was literally putting on her face. I can understand if it was a first date, but not in a relationship. She just screams high maintenance.


3 hours to get ready for a bloody lunch? What is wrong with you? YDI for being an over-the-top drama queen. Tsk, some people need to get a life...

Kuroftw 0

Three hours is way too much for a fancy dinner, let alone Mc Donalds or some normal restaurant. YDI for being a superficial idiot and not asking where you were going first. :D

urMama40 0

I can't spend 3 hrs. getting ready for lunch, I work! What on Earth took 3 hrs.... McD's..... sad, all that work for a Shamrock shake, Hell no, take urself somewhere better, OP!!

pfunk129 1

get the shamrock shake. it rocks.

youngwife 2

I don't See what the problem is. I would love a date like that. Fast food and getting some Can't Beat It!! ;-)

BTW whether u spend 3hrs r 3seconds doing ur makeup 90% of guys dont notice, inless u do it badly. my boyfriend is proof. gud thing i wear hardky any makeup. so next time instead of caking 4 mcds and complaining, get pretty and wear less make up

I'm sorry I couldn't read nor comprehend that; what the hell did you just say? =x

TheNiz 0
deaditegirl 0

Unless you're having lunch with royalty or something, why the hell would you spend THREE HOURS getting ready? It's lunch. Do you have nothing better to do with your time? YDI.

Well maybe someday you'll go somewhere else and it won't take you that long to get ready.