By Anonymous - 15/03/2010 16:46 - United States

Today, I spent three hours getting ready to go out to lunch with my boyfriend, only to find out he meant we're going to the McDonald's inside Wal-Mart so he can also pick up condoms. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 655
You deserved it 9 952

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Three hours, were you sewing clothes?

koco4 0

I think she was literally putting on her face. I can understand if it was a first date, but not in a relationship. She just screams high maintenance.


YDI for not asking exactly where you were going LOL.

damnrosi 0

sounds like he probably lead you to believe that you were going somewhere nicer, and he cheaped out. that really sucks, consider getting a new bf that communicates better, and has tastes more like yours. but 3 hours? really? what on earth could you possibly be doing to take that long!

nessalujin 0

Really? I doubt you spent three hours OP, and who cares if he took you to a Walmart McDonalds. I'm sure your life isn't ******.

loski87 4

how is this a FML?? you chose to take 3 hours to get ready so that's your fault.

hazelwolfeyes 0

3 hrs?! what the ****?! dude, i take a shower, do my hair, brush my teeth, change, put on LIGHT makeup, use the restroom, put on my shoes and am out the door in less than 45 minutes. what the hell takes 3 hrs?! were you getting plastic surgery or something? maybe you should invest n a new brain or something. as for Mcdonalds, though i am not a fan, it was lunch. if it was dinner than yea..maybe you would expect something alil better. but hell it was lunch. at least he took you out you whiney lil bitch. alot of girls would kill for mcdonalds and here you are whining about need to get a life..honestly..

ryan_mcgrath1 0

yeah sounds like the perfect lunch date

so you never asked him where you were heading to? ydi. who takes three hours getting ready?!

hazelwolfeyes 0 scare me..HAHAHA ^-^

whatshernuts 0

Whoa, what's wrong with that? I think it sounds like an awesome date, especially the part where you get to put the condoms to use. Make it Chinese buffet and it's a sealed deal! Just curious, but why would you spend three hours getting ready for /lunch/? A big fancy dinner, I understand, but I don't think simply going out to eat with your boyfriend necessitates you to look just oh so perfect, even if you didn't know you were going to McDonald's. I don't even know HOW you take that long to get ready.