By notmyday - 25/02/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, we were fooling around and I was just about to orgasm when she looked at my clock and said, "I have to go, 'Lost' is on in 20 minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 055
You deserved it 8 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrandOldDucky 0

Wow. Step up your sex game bro...

Hey, you can't miss an episode of LOST or else you'll be even more confused!


Even if you did ******, it wouldn't have been better than the best show on TV.

what_is_love 0
LinkToEverything 0
itsfuntobesexy 0

Wow @ #51. What an ass! Sorry that happened to you. Must've been a good episode. Next time that happens to you (assuming there is a next time) you can come over to my house =) I'd never do such a thing.

KatieWagnerFab 0

You guys wont die because you missed LOST

In her defence, the new episode was fecking good. I know I'd prefer watching it than having sex.

wow, really? I can't believe this many people say that LOST > sex. What a sad, sad world we live in. It's not even a good show! wtf! i would rant about the show, but that would take awhile

Radiohead225 0

i dont need a man to have an ******....i just need LOST :) haha j/k I WISH mmmmmmmmmmmm LOST SAWYER and DESMOND :)