By notmyday - 25/02/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, we were fooling around and I was just about to orgasm when she looked at my clock and said, "I have to go, 'Lost' is on in 20 minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 055
You deserved it 8 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrandOldDucky 0

Wow. Step up your sex game bro...

Hey, you can't miss an episode of LOST or else you'll be even more confused!


port5 0

from here on out, hide your clocks during "those times"

port5 0

from here on out, hide your clocks during "those times"

port5 0

from here on out, hide your clocks during "those times"

Alicelover123 2

Well, can't blame her, it's a great show

if i didnt have tivo and i was sexing through house or bones i would cry

loginword123 0

Haha I though you said "****"

Anita1023632 3