Escape route

By crap - 26/03/2009 08:37 - Thailand

Today, I went out with this girl I really liked and she came back to my place. Things were heating up and we ended up having sex. I was on top and really into it but in the middle of it she held up her wrist and said, "Huh, look at the time, I gotta get home." She wasn't wearing a watch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 92 690
You deserved it 17 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Tucatz 0

You may need to work on your technique a little.

She MUST have meant her biological clock, right? Women don't need watches for those kinds of things. Come on buddy, think on the bright side.


She MUST have meant her biological clock, right? Women don't need watches for those kinds of things. Come on buddy, think on the bright side.

please don't talk like that you are taking up the whole comments board

lifesabit 0

Lol Looks like she wasn't into it.... I'm not sure whether it is a FML or YDI..... think I'll put both....

ive never met a girl that mean. i mean.. come on.. she could have atleast faked it.

No, she shouldn't have faked it. He would have never of known that he wasnt any good and it would have wasted her time. However, she should have just told him the way she liked it and gave him some pointers for next time.

Why should she have to fake it?! If he's crap then that's his problem. Sex isn't just for the guy's pleasure, it's supposed to please the woman too. Men are so selfish

faking it does not help anyone -_- the girl is not happy and the guy will get an ego until he receives a reality check, because the truth comes out eventually

Damn that is HARSH I gotta go ahead and second #1. There are a lot of websites to help you with that sort of thing lol

Harsh but this totally reminded me of an episode of 30 Rock where some blind girl pretends to look at her wrist to escape a date with Kenneth after touching his face.

yikes, girl shoulda had the courtesy to at least let you finish, then come-up with "gotta go" excuses later.

bingababe 16

Why the hell should he get to finish if he wasn't good enough to get her to 'finish'?!?! I say it's his own fault for being bad in bed!!

#10 is right. This girl is a little strange... Possibly has a really short attention span.