By notmyday - 25/02/2009 23:26 - United States

Today, we were fooling around and I was just about to orgasm when she looked at my clock and said, "I have to go, 'Lost' is on in 20 minutes." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 055
You deserved it 8 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BrandOldDucky 0

Wow. Step up your sex game bro...

Hey, you can't miss an episode of LOST or else you'll be even more confused!


viadomus815 0

and YDI for not watching lost.


lmao i would do the same. lost is AMAZING

I'm a dude, but i gotta side with the chick on this one. LOST is the shit

ravar5 0

fyl but LOST is awesome, sorry but she did the right thing

timothyround2 0

wow.... That is bullshit... I hate when you are fooling around for a long time and feel that pressure about to blow and then she has to go... Last g/f did that to me like 4 times..

StrangeSpider 0

should have just told her to get a DVR and watch that crap later. or tell her to give you another 20 seconds.

FINISH ON HER FACE!!! That's what she's subtly telling you with that "Lost" comment.

I would skip sex for LOST any day... It's not even fair how amazing that show is.

congrats, a TV show is more entertaing than you.

i wouldve held her tight and be like "noooooooooooo" ; )