By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 13:55 - Australia

Today, I was expecting my period. To avoid the embarrassment of everyone in the office finding out, instead of putting tampons in my bag, I hid one in my bra. It fell out while I was coming back from lunch. I am now known to all as "The Tampon Dispenser". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 944
You deserved it 34 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

As opposed to "The Chick with the Super Long Nipple?"

Vacant 7

I assume if you work in an office everyone there would have been able to handle seeing a tampon in your bag. Even if they are, for some reason, immature enough to give you a dumb nickname like that they could have been desensitized from seeing tampons in purses from high school and have not said anything. In reality if someone pointed out "Oh hey guys, she has a tampon in her bag!" they would have looked like a moron.


Quest_ 13

I am vexed and upset trying to figure out the terror of 'everyone finding out' that you are carrying tampons.

Omg, imagine your co-workers would find out you're on your period! D: Real smart solution of you OP.

For real! They would know she isn't pregnant!

for those of u who dont understand op works as a premanant resident of an insanity ward and every day when she arives at work(the main living quarters) they take all of her posetions out of her bag that she is technicaly not supposed to have in front of her coworkers (other residents) and supervisors (orderlys) and that just wont do

Wow. Almost every female person gets her period. Why the hell would they even care? I know it sucks, but it's natural.

Try pads before you leave to work next time ;)

This post confused me even more because I don't understand it at all.

the only time a period is embarrassing is if u DONT have a tampon

I do that when I don't have pockets on my trousers 'cause I normally don't carry a bag. Never had one fall out though

alinka_fml 0

yeah... having your period/tampons is verrrrry embarrassing .. If you are a retard