Too much of a good thing

By tryingtoberomantic - 28/09/2019 14:00 - Australia

Today, I took my boyfriend out to dinner to an expensive restaurant. He overate, and now I have to nurse him through food poisoning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 422
You deserved it 243

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sady_Ct 37

Food poisoning doesn’t work that way. Either he over ate and is sick from over eating. Or he ate bad/contaminated/off food and he has food poisoning from that. Food poisoning doesn’t always occur straight after eating said food, it can be hours before it sets in.

pins91 27

... did he actually over eat? Or have food poisoning? Because you don’t get food poisoning the way you get alcohol poisoning.....


Sady_Ct 37

Food poisoning doesn’t work that way. Either he over ate and is sick from over eating. Or he ate bad/contaminated/off food and he has food poisoning from that. Food poisoning doesn’t always occur straight after eating said food, it can be hours before it sets in.

pins91 27

... did he actually over eat? Or have food poisoning? Because you don’t get food poisoning the way you get alcohol poisoning.....

You can get both. Think Homer eating at a bad seafood restaurant. First he eats a truckload of shrimps and suspicious oysters, then his tummy aches a little because he overate, then since he ate more than his share of bacteria, he gets an extra-large food poisoning.

Mathalamus 24

You don't get food poisoning by overeating.

Food poisoning is bad luck -- overeating is choosing to make a pig of yourself. They are two separate things.

Which is it? Over eating or food poisoning. Because food poisoning is not caused by eating too much.