By Anonymous - 22/09/2011 13:55 - Australia

Today, I was expecting my period. To avoid the embarrassment of everyone in the office finding out, instead of putting tampons in my bag, I hid one in my bra. It fell out while I was coming back from lunch. I am now known to all as "The Tampon Dispenser". FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 944
You deserved it 34 022

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

As opposed to "The Chick with the Super Long Nipple?"

Vacant 7

I assume if you work in an office everyone there would have been able to handle seeing a tampon in your bag. Even if they are, for some reason, immature enough to give you a dumb nickname like that they could have been desensitized from seeing tampons in purses from high school and have not said anything. In reality if someone pointed out "Oh hey guys, she has a tampon in her bag!" they would have looked like a moron.


You get your period? Shudder, gasp you freak of nature! What is that? You must be diseased. No one else has that. It's ridiculous to be embarrassed about something so natural. And why would your coworkers see your tampons in your bag anyway? I would think having it in your bra would be more obvious. "wtf is that in your shirt?" "oh nothing, breast malformation"

puddin128 1

Uhh just don't let anyone look in your bag maybe? That's might have been a better option...

I don't know why girls are embarrassed if people know about their period. Hell I announce when I'm on my period to warn my friends of my bitchiness.

Oh god, how old are you?! 14? No one's going to care if you have your period. As long as your clean and don't reek of your monthly gift, no one's going to know...

I don't understand why you are so embarrassed. Everyone has seen a tampon all girls have periods. Get over yourself.

irtlw 1

I have no problem carrying a pad to the bathroom when I need one. tampons freak me out

KataraTheBender 0

why no just put one in, and not have to worry?

loooveit 4

How old r u that people aren't going to know u get ur period?

Are your co-workers a bunch of snickering 8th graders? If not, I don't get why it would be embarrassing for them to see you with a tampon. Ydi for being so damn uptight.