By Bob - 21/01/2010 13:33 - Canada

Today, I'm a cashier in a grocery store. The visiting regional manager tore me a new one for being lazy. His reason? After working a double shift with no break, I decided to sit down for a minute when things got slow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 867
You deserved it 2 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In your province, OP, it is against the Employment Standards Act for your employer to not provide you a half hour break for each period of work in excess of 5 hours, unless your union has agreed to something else, or there was an emergency in your workplace. Your regional manager made a judgment based on a snapshot of your department. Yes, in a retail environment it looks awful to have employees sitting around doing nothing. Your RM probably also assumed that your management team obeys the law. You should inform your RM that they don't.

today you're a cashier....what will you be tomorrow?!


joeprentice90 0

You totally deserve it, he's your bosses bosses boss... Tough it out, everybody knows you need to impress people that high above you.

Been there done that. I worked in a stire and if I wasn't constantly moving (no, literally), my manager would have a shitfit! 10 seconds of stillness was in her mind qualification for yelling

you have a legal right to a break, and you should have sternly told him to shove it up his ass

punjabtimelord 18

I'm sorry i meant to thumb up your comment but it went wrong so sorry :L

take all your breaks from now on then. And don t double shift. that ll teach him.