
By I hate my job - 23/12/2014 08:14 - Canada - Delta

Today, I went to my retail job to buy some clothing. As soon as I walked through the doors, my manager yelled at me for not being in appropriate work clothes. I tried to explain that I was off the clock but he was having none of it. I got written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 351
You deserved it 3 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

olpally 32

Some people need a brick to the face for how uptight they are. Sheesh. Go to HR. That's bogus.

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, that's bullshit. I wouldn't even sign that write up. Sorry you have such an ass of a boss.


Annoying retail managers. I hated working in retail.

olpally 32

Some people need a brick to the face for how uptight they are. Sheesh. Go to HR. That's bogus.

Yeah, I had a manager like that too. One day I had to work straight after school so I planned to change into work clothes when I got there. Manager yelled at me as soon as I walked in the door for not wearing appropriate clothing. Thankfully she did finally listen when I told her I was going to change, but obviously she never apologized. I agree with the brick idea, might knock them into being decent people, you never know :P

Next time tell him fine but you expect to be paid.

Are you kidding me? Next time OP shouldn't put up with that crap. What their boss did was completely unfair.

badluckalex 23

I'm pretty sure that was sarcasm?

I'd be fighting that, that's crap he should not be allowed to do that

DontClickOnMe 28

Wow, that's bullshit. I wouldn't even sign that write up. Sorry you have such an ass of a boss.

Goblin182 26

I would write on the "write up" that you were not on the clock at the time this happened.

Just because you don't sign the write up does not mean it will not go on your file. My coworker and I got written up for smoking once and he refused to sign it, but it still went on his file. I agree with 10, I'd probably write "IT'S MY DAY OFF" in big bold letters and go to HR.

LaColombianita 26

Don't sign the write up. Simple :) and if he has a problem with that then take it up with his boss.

Take it to HR. There's no way you can lose that one.

Unfortunately you can. I had a problem with my manager at my last job and took it to HR. Since he'd been with the company for decades and had a great reputation (while I had only been working there for six months), she wouldn't believe he was hostile towards me and making the kitchen unsafe for me to work in. I left that job real fast.

And thatttttt is when you find a new job

Because then the manager isn't going to yell at OP to be in uniform, at least for that night. Quite the opposite, I imagine.

I think he means it as in that guy can go to hell. that kind of **** that guy. not literally have sex with him