Haircare protip

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 20:32 - United States

Today, I put lemon juice in my hair as a cheap and easy way to get highlights. I left it in my hair and I laid out in the backyard to get some sun. The sunshine wasn't the only thing that found me; it seems every bug in the neighborhood is now hiding in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 534
You deserved it 51 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braasilianx0 4

lol stereotypical much? 4.8 gpa, going to medical school. try again.


u realize bugs r attracted to sweet things and smells that have strong scents?

ewww that's nasty...take a shower dumb a$$

you shulda just spent the money for real highlights

braasilianx0 4

agreed. the least you could do is go to WalMart and spend 7 bucks for hair dye...

what happens if the OP is poor and can't Orford it.

braasilianx0 4

offord*, then they shouldn't do it all, or if they want it really bad, they can save $7.

kc1997kc 9

it's afford. if your going to correct spelling please do it correctly.

IHeartJimi02 0

Lol. You both fail. Afford*. But I do agree with her. I know that highlights from a salon can be expensive but there is hair dye at cvs, walgreens or walmart you can buy that is inexpensive.

Lemons are cheaper and natural. They don't dry your hair out like dye does

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Lemon juice still damages your hair. The fact that it's natural means nothing for the health of your hair.

it's afford and somebody said they have a 4.8 I don't think so!!!

braasilianx0 4

oh, sorry for ONE grammar mistake. I'm from Brasil and I haven't lived here my whole life, lol so quick to judge.

I'm from Spain and just moved here 5 years ago. The point is that you claim to have a high GPA and it isn't entirely believable, do you not see that? I didn't set out to insult you; I don't look down on hairdressers or anyone else.

braasilianx0 4

lol, honestly I don't care if you don't believe. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm talking about. and who are you to judge, you have made spelling errors in your life before. just because I messed up on one word doesn't mean my gpa will stoop down to like a 2. also, i dont know why you are so interested in my life, im getting somewhere and i know it, i worked extremely hard for what i want and it paid off, so nothing gets to me, neither do your pointless comments because it just makes me feel better about myself and my accomplishments. everyone makes mistakes. no ones perfect and you are damn far from it just as well as I am. I simply don't give a shit about what you think :) because I know what I'm doing for myself!

That dosn't even work. You should've just gone to Dollar Tree and got hair coloring there.

Actually lemon juice does lighten people's hair, however it works best if you have medium brown to blonde hair. Also it doesn't work it you hair dyed hair.

a little bit of peroxide and water mixed in a spray bottle does the trick

and lemon juice does work.... at least if you have light colored hair it does

peroxide? who told you peroxide works? your hella dumb. that does nothing but **** up your hair. aha, stupid af. Wth

who says "hella"? you sound like the idiot. I also said a little bit of peroxide mixed with water.... I've done it before and my hair is just fine

TaylorTotsYumm 10

Most hair dyes used to have a peroxide base, a lot still do! It's not great for your hair but if it's only for highlights does it really matter? Chances are if you've dyed you hair regularly in a salon or with a home kit in the last 10 years you've used peroxide.

wait lemon juice or lemonade? because lemon juice is a bug repellent...

EG14_fml 8

how the freak does Lemon juice get you highlights?!? this the first I've heard of this! ...btw, the idea sounds pretty ghetto

dilute it with a little water and spray it in your hair. the citrus overtime will naturally lighten your hair. it doesn't give you bold highlights like a salon would.... it lightens your hair just a little bit. you have to have lighter hair to begin with though