Haircare protip

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 20:32 - United States

Today, I put lemon juice in my hair as a cheap and easy way to get highlights. I left it in my hair and I laid out in the backyard to get some sun. The sunshine wasn't the only thing that found me; it seems every bug in the neighborhood is now hiding in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 534
You deserved it 51 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braasilianx0 4

lol stereotypical much? 4.8 gpa, going to medical school. try again.


kasumii 1

What the ****? You shouldn't think so much of your appearance if you can't afford it, and if you're just cheap then too bad. YDI whichever situation.

Showering is super cheap yet it's the first thing people do to be conscious of how they look. Using lemon juice is a quick and easy way to create your own highlights... I've never used the method myself but I hear it works. Who are you to judge if it does the job? Using a depilatory, laser hair removal or a razor gets rid of hair all the same, so who cares as long as the correct results are achieved?

stoptrying 9

Generally people who are angry over spending money on the more expensive methods, desperately attempting to make themselves feel better.

rofl kasumi ur about me is such a win. Reminds me of my korean friends at school we all think theyre so weird and dumb but in a funny way

That's what happens with using the lemon method lol. :P

hydrogen peroxide. I spray that all over my hair before I lay out or am in the sun, it's blonde as can be.

I would imagine, unless you did something else to cure your fried hair, it's as dry as can be. :/ Even going to the salon to lighten my hair means extra deep conditioning.

ninjathug 0

I would have flipping freaked out

youngbuck10 9

Peroxide is more effective than lemon juice, hon.

now u know how to get connected to nature

u shuld hav put a cap in .. a plastic obe