Haircare protip

By Anonymous - 09/06/2011 20:32 - United States

Today, I put lemon juice in my hair as a cheap and easy way to get highlights. I left it in my hair and I laid out in the backyard to get some sun. The sunshine wasn't the only thing that found me; it seems every bug in the neighborhood is now hiding in my hair. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 534
You deserved it 51 150

Same thing different taste

Top comments

braasilianx0 4

lol stereotypical much? 4.8 gpa, going to medical school. try again.


well did you gets some highlights? ;)

this one guy had this bug that like crawled behind his eye and laid eggs.... in his eye socket... grossest thing ive ever heard

ReynshineCutting 10
MalaInsane_11 0

bugs don't like lemon, they like sugar. everyone knows that.

Lemons have fruit sugar... Just because they're sour, doesn't mean they're sugarless.

I think people are confusing lemon with citronella.. Lemon will repel spiders though.

you must be a natural blonde to not think that through

kaitlyn3xo 0

use hydrogen peroxide instead

Tweety122888 0

you should've used hydrogen peroxide

fatalblue06 0

reminds me of urban legend.... lady with baby spiders crawling out of hair...

Xx4urentertainme 2

aw sick! i ******* hate bugs.. sad part is, you being a girl, probably handled it better than me, a guy would have. call me a pussy, i don't care. i had a bad experience with potato bugs once. and i can't stand bugs ever since. it probably wasn't that traumatizing, but still i feel bad for you.