By heyyoitsapotato - 31/05/2013 02:35 - United States

Today, while working as a lifeguard, a kid took a dump in the pool. When I told everyone to clear the pool so we could clean it, another kid promptly stared at me, stood at the shallow end right where I was standing, pulled down his trunks, and peed on my feet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 129
You deserved it 3 298

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Main reason I do not want to have kids. 4 siblings is enough.


Sounds like Urine a crappy line of work. Quit that shit hole, and find somewhere that you're more appreciated.

SDMiami 7

that's my dream...I would happily let him pee on me.

Looks like every comment that doesn't say accidents happen or not blame the child/shitty parenting is disliked. Educations seems to be lacking in this 'future generation' and is getting worse.

Where the **** were the parents? If they're that immature then they should have their mommies and daddies with them 24/7.

I doubt they would've done anything anyways. The way that this kid behaves leads me to believe that they're just another pair of ignorant parents who don't believe in disciplining their children and let them run rampant.

That's horrible.. I'm a lifeguard too and one time some little kid walked to the end of the ramp, pulled down his shorts, and peed into the water

Yell "This is Sparta" and kick the stupid kid into the pool

Don't kids just do the darnest things

Well I hope you escorted him out and possibly banned him for the foreseeable future. Maybe even threatened to call the police seeing as public urination is a crime (or it is over here anyway). I doubt they'd do anything but I bet it would give him a good scare. Little shit needs to learn some manners.

Now, I don't want to be picky or anything, but the sentence makes it sound like the kid was working as a lifeguard. Just saying ;)