By Anonymous - 04/03/2016 20:22 - United States - Newark

Today, my vegan step-mom found out I ate at McDonald's yesterday. She gave me hell and asked me how it feels to give money to "murderers". All while my dad sat quietly by because he's too whipped to speak his mind. It wasn't even her house a month ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 153
You deserved it 1 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks.... stand up for yourself even if your dad won't! I have a step mom who came in and did the same thing almost 20 years ago and to this day, my dad has yet to locate his balls. -_-


I wouldve been like "good actually, you know that big Mac really filled me up, unlike that vegan stuff."

Shay_Shay97 23

I say you just get a nice Big Mac and eat it right in front of her. Don't even break eye contact.

What a bitch. Stand up for yourself OP. We're allowed to eat whatever we want. I know not all vegans are crazy, but most honesty scare me. Their attitudes have actually deflected me from wanting to become vegan (even vegetarian). I thought about pescatarian since I don't eat much meat (besides chicken, fish, and turkey), but that was also put on the back burner. It isn't her house, she isn't your parent, so she has ZERO say in your life. Let her know that (:

Don't let someone's attitude and beliefs sway you from potentially making a positive change in your life. Sure, lots of people, vegan or not, can be intimidating, but in the end, it's their life- not yours. No one is making you become intimidating as well. I agree that OP should stand up for himself. However, as the dad's legal wife and therefore a potential property owner, his stepmom very well could say and do whatever she pleases- especially if OP is legally an adult and if his dad isn't doing anything to stop her.

is your mom still in the picture tell your dad you can't deal with the abuse and say you'll live with your mom if he doesn't put your step mom in her place

She's the kind of vegan that gives the rest of us a bad name! I'm so sorry she was like that, I prefer to kill 'em with kindness!

XxGaLaXy_HiTzxX 14

You should be nice and make dinner for you, your dad and step mom. Give your dad something that has meat and eat with him while you give your step mom some grass from outside.

Find out what brands of clothes she wears (many made by sweatshop workers) - does she wear leather, handbags/shoes (not eating animals doesn't mean shit if she still wears them) - check her make up and toiletry brands, if they test on animals then give her hell back. The testing they do is torturous and ongoing. Torturing an animal for vanity is worse than killing for food. Screw people who force their views on others, fair enough if she discussed it politely in an effort to open your eyes to the reasoning behind her views. But she just sounds like a born and bred bitch

tell her that plants are alive too and that she only doesn't feel guilty because she can't hear them scream.

TAntobella 14

Breaking news: plants don't have a nervous system nor a brain. Your argument is invalid.

Sulphuric_Glue 16