By Anonymous - 04/03/2016 20:22 - United States - Newark

Today, my vegan step-mom found out I ate at McDonald's yesterday. She gave me hell and asked me how it feels to give money to "murderers". All while my dad sat quietly by because he's too whipped to speak his mind. It wasn't even her house a month ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 153
You deserved it 1 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks.... stand up for yourself even if your dad won't! I have a step mom who came in and did the same thing almost 20 years ago and to this day, my dad has yet to locate his balls. -_-


Ugh. People like her give us all a bad name. I'd say try reason and logic and explain to her that you respect her choices and ask that she does the same but it sounds like that would be a long-shot. Just keep doing what you want and try to ignore her. There's no winning when you argue with people like that.

Your father may be whipped, but you're not. ******' demolish her holier-than-thou bullshit and eat another burger right in front of her stupid face.

Make her a bacon boquet. Seriously, though. Do whatever you want. If she is going to shove vegan propaganda down your throat then eat meat right infront if her. It is absolutely fair.

As a vegetarian who really doesn't give a shit what other people do as long as they let me do my thing, I apologize. She's an asshole.

I'm sorry your dad is so spineless. As a father he should be ashamed he let someone, his WIFE, treat his child that way. She of all people should be loving you unconditionally. I hope either your dad draws the line or you stand up for yourself where he won't. I'm sorry that you're in that situation. I hate people like that.

Did you know they scientifically proved that broccoli and cauliflower scream when you pull them out of the ground. Tell your step mom that. I too am one to protect animals rights but bullying someone to do as she wants them to do is not the way. You have to stand up to her. And sadly if it comes to it just yell that she is not your real mother and has no right to tell you what to do. I know it's not the ideal way to start your step mother relationship but if she can't be reasoned with in a piloted calm manner then you may need to bring out the big guns. Good luck.

Could you post a link to the article on the screaming?

tarlax 11

Oh look at that, another "studies show that..." comment that doesn't actually provide any proof at all, even though finding reputable links to it would be trivial if they actually existed. Color me shocked. SHOCKED, I say.

Tell her to google the definition of murder. If she hits you with the "animals are people too" just shoot back and say "then people taste great!"

Tell dad he can come visit you. WITHOUT the step bitch.