By Anonymous - 04/03/2016 20:22 - United States - Newark

Today, my vegan step-mom found out I ate at McDonald's yesterday. She gave me hell and asked me how it feels to give money to "murderers". All while my dad sat quietly by because he's too whipped to speak his mind. It wasn't even her house a month ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 153
You deserved it 1 726

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks.... stand up for yourself even if your dad won't! I have a step mom who came in and did the same thing almost 20 years ago and to this day, my dad has yet to locate his balls. -_-


She's the one trying to starve the animals by eating their food, you're putting them out of their misery because vegans are eating all their food.

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life.

countryb_cth 38

That's why it was meant as a joke.

My unsolicited advice; spend as much time as you can outside of that psycho's house working to move out on your own... and then for your house warming throw yourself a pig roast or something. I feel badly for you and your dad, but I will never understand how women like that get their hooks into normal guys. Hang in there, it'll eventually get better.

How do you know OP is not underage?

(Batshit Crazy + Fanatical Vegan + Step Parent) + Spineless Parent = Grounds for "Emancipation of a Minor". No? Well, it should be!

Sulphuric_Glue 16

The best thing anyone could possibly do in this situation is absolutely fill the fridge to the brim with meat. And the freezer. And put tinned meats in all the cupboards. Then watch the vegan ****** freak out.

Tell her plants have feelings too.

sohigh10 34

'How does it feel giving money to murderers?!' OP: 'Awesome. it felt awesome.'

and then it felt less awesome... but after a trip to the washroom, it was awesome again.

Tell her that every day, millions of innocent plants and vegetables are killed by murderous vegetarians... Save a Plant - Eat Venison!

Offer to take her to dinner- at steak house...

******* sad. Regain your testes back and fix things

stand up to her op, if you don't defend yourself the vegan step-mom will rise to power and your father will be powerless to stop her from serving salad for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day.

plants are living sentient feeling beings too..they can't communicate like animals can and can't look you in the eye but feel your presence..sorry that your dad is whipped but I'm vegan too and mc Donald's isn't good food anyway..she's right that industrializing animal life is simply wrong..but telling you off for your poor choice of food isn't her place, everyone should be able to decide for themselves what they put in their body, even if she loves you so much as to not want to let you eat junk, she could be nicer and not give you hell..

I highly doubt her rant was out of love and concern over what op put into their body. She sounds like she has an "I'm better than you" attitude and expects others to be like her. Self righteous and full of crap.

Plants are sentient? Please could you let me know what the evidence for this is?

There were studies done showing that plants do react in ways that seem to suggest some low level conciousness. Nothing very solid, but rather interesting to read and ponder.

Could you have been any more passive aggressive in that comment?

Tell her to **** off and put her in her place.