By Anonymous - 26/01/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, my husband thought it would be "funny" to put laxatives in the cakes for my son's 7th birthday party. Over 40 kids came to the party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 590
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

First of all your husband sounds really immature. Second, over 40 kids!!? Holy crap!


I doubt you have 40 toilets in your home.. Hmm.. Funny, yet so, so immature.

Did you not know this manchild's true nature before you married him?

that poor kid will never want a birthday party after this..

kate3101 15

Wow. That's unbelievably stupid. While there are people here suggesting retribution or saying that it's funny, what your husband did was 1)illegal 2)dangerous 3)cruel to your son Poisoning a group of 6 and 7 year old kids is not normal behaviour, or some kind of funny prank. It's massively dangerous and could cause genuine harm to the kids. Even as a prank on adults, it's not particularly funny, but on kids... sick.

theonlysweetpea 10

If he did this to a bunch of adults (goody goody's, suits, snobs [not geniuinely good people]) I'd laugh my ass off... but these are children. Pranks are cute until someone's body can't handle it. What about when OP's son gets his ass whooped at school for it or when those kids parents sue them (since it's illegal to give (certain) meds to people [knowingly

ShAdow7mcNugGet 7

Now that's something to remember

RedPillSucks 31

OP's husband is why the ball pit at Chuck-e Cheese is a dangerous place for kids.

skyeyez9 24

Did any crap their pants at your house?

skyeyez9 24

Your husband could get sued if the other parents find out. If he put too much inside, diarrhea can make young kids very ill.

skyeyez9 24

And I suspect they will when every kid gets the *****. None may want to go to any of your sons b day parties anymore and could stop being his friend.

Wow... I'd be embarrassed to call him my husband.