By Anonymous - 26/01/2012 04:18 - United States

Today, my husband thought it would be "funny" to put laxatives in the cakes for my son's 7th birthday party. Over 40 kids came to the party. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 590
You deserved it 4 110

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mama2b3 20

First of all your husband sounds really immature. Second, over 40 kids!!? Holy crap!


40 kids is a bit much for a birthday party. It would take an eternity to open that many gifts. Food tampering is never funny. Your husband is a dick.

marisadc79 0

Wow what an immature dad. He'd be cleaning up all the mess if it was me. Really awful thing to do and to a group of little kids.

looks like your going to brown town, for a good while!

Sounds like that party was the shit!! (no? Bad pun?.. Okay :c )

Sounds like that party was the shit!! (no? Bad pun?.. Okay :c )

I would've laughed at the situation. But I'm a very sadistic person.

jenssss 0

Definitely a shitty situation D:

OP, I strongly suggest that you encourage, or even demand that your husband seek professional counseling. Food adulteration and administering drugs without the recipient's knowledge is problematic enough on its own, but the fact that he did this en masse to a group of children should seriously call into question his decision-making abilities, if not his mental health. I'm not saying that as an insult, but as a genuine concern. It's possible that he could further endanger or seriously harm his own child(ren) with another "prank" like this.

thiscrazything 1