By loser - 01/03/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, my fiancée broke up with me. Via a myspace message. While we were in the same apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368 521
You deserved it 32 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

collegegrrl 0

all time low. what a scumbag.

#11 I realized this too. Fiance is the masculine form of the word, while Fiancee is the feminine form. So if OP was correct in their spelling then the "scumbag pussy douchebag" in this story is actually a woman.


What a total douchebag, you're better off.

very adult like, what a tool. i cant stand myspace and all the losers it attracts. "oh look i have 3,000 friends on myspace but only have actually met 2 in real life" uber gay

Why are men so cowardly these days. when i break up with a girl i always do it in person. most of the time it's mutual, but still.

Edmund_Dantes 0

This is the result of using Myspace.

bioclock 0

I don't know if this is a guy or a girl. Both men AND women can be pigs. Either way, the fiance is a complete scumbag. Breaking up in ANY way other than in person is bad enough, but while you're in the same place? That's ******* low. Thank god you didn't marry her/him.

wow. well i know kind of how you feel. My ex gf dumped me with a myspace message too. "I met a guy on the party yesterday. I think I love him more than I love you, so you're off. bye" well in this case her luck she wasn't in my apartment. I would have kicked her out in a sec.

Easy_Target 0

Okay, first let me say, I feel for you. Second, having been there, I have the experience to ask: WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?!

i just got broken up with via facebook message. i understand. i'm sorry that you were with such a ******* asshole.

youhavenoidea 0