By loser - 01/03/2009 00:22 - United States

Today, my fiancée broke up with me. Via a myspace message. While we were in the same apartment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 368 526
You deserved it 32 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

collegegrrl 0

all time low. what a scumbag.

#11 I realized this too. Fiance is the masculine form of the word, while Fiancee is the feminine form. So if OP was correct in their spelling then the "scumbag pussy douchebag" in this story is actually a woman.


what a bitch. and i never knew that about the 1 e vs 2 e thing in fiance(e). and people say this site is a waste of time...

PeeNaught 3

This actually made me Smyle...and grammar nazis get over my spelling of Smyle...I know how to spell it but have always spelled it my own way...damn sometimes those ******* grammar nazis ruin this reply don't even matter...****...smdh... :-(

musicalmandi16 0

regardless of the gender, he or she is still a total and complete asshole. at least he was up front about it though. hey, you could have gotten married to him only to find him buying other women jewelry and dinner with your paycheck. that really sucks, but good riddance.

******* she. Jesus Christ even after the fact of everybody proving it was a female you still are a ******* feminist who wants to blame the guy

You are totally better off to be rid of that gutless weasel. Good luck with whatever you decide now.

Oh well, at least you get to keep the ring. (since they are the ones that broke it off, you get to keep the hardware)

crissycat07 0

everyone assumes its a man cos men do that typea thing lols but i do agree that woman are ******* bitches thats why most girls claim they like guys better

Sounds like you were very close and had great communication. I can see why you're bitter.

I'm a guy, and I assumed it was a guy. Guys are really more likely to do it like that. They have a harder time with face to face conflicts of that nature than women have. I wonder what kind of dramatic discussion ensued after you approached HIM about it. Also, people who think it MUST BE A WOMAN because of the spelling: You seem to have forgotten that the OP could have very well made the same mistake, and not known the difference in spelling.

FYLifeelbad4u 1

Its not the spellinh he shows you his gender

ouch, that sucks. really sorry that happened to you:(

kagome_eb 0

good, that gave you time to go to him and slap his ass

You should have went up to him as if you never got the message, and started talking to him about how excited you were about the wedding and keep at it until he bursted out his admission.