By newmother - 05/12/2010 13:38 - Australia

Today, I went into labor with my first child, and as much as I pleaded, I had to wait for my husband to finish his raid in World of Warcraft before he'd take me to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 221
You deserved it 11 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sylverstone 2

Delete the account. Record video of his reaction. Laugh at his pain.

skittlebabe 0

I would of disconnected the freakin tv or something


xstolix 1

Its just a game shut that sh*t off you can do the same thing when you get home its not going to be the end of the world haha I pictured the south park episode when I read this

so what? I'm sure the raid didn't take long

DawnWaker 0

Wow... I just noticed I would probably have done the same thing as the OP's husband. WoW is to addictive!

What the ****. I feel like this FML is fake. Either that, or there is something terribly wrong with this picture o.o

lexibabyx3 0

thasss messed up -.- I wuda broke that shxtt .

wwerulez14 6

That's funny, seeing as how you broke the English language. Congratulations.

What a jackass! I had a boyfriend who told me he had to get in the shower and then play a couple levels of wow before he came over. And I had something nice planned. I couldn't believe it. The shower I understand, but a computer game? Please. That's as bad as being so wrapped up in farmville...

FuckMyEveryth1ng 0

Priorities. He's got them straight.

CoachLlama 5

Take a picture of your hubby and put it near the crib, otherwise your child may never what dad looks like.

went into labour, had a baby, then went online to post that.... sound exactly like your husband, tuff shit

Shadow_Phantom 26

WoW is important, raids are important... but that's more important, and your husband is f*cked up.