By newmother - 05/12/2010 13:38 - Australia

Today, I went into labor with my first child, and as much as I pleaded, I had to wait for my husband to finish his raid in World of Warcraft before he'd take me to the hospital. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 221
You deserved it 11 864

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sylverstone 2

Delete the account. Record video of his reaction. Laugh at his pain.

skittlebabe 0

I would of disconnected the freakin tv or something


Hopersz 0

Wow your husband is an asshole. I would have broke the damn computer. #165 Priorities? No. World of War of Warcraft is not a prioritie when your wife is going into labor and possibly already dialated. Think with your head, its a game people take way to serious and involve their everyday life in. Its like a drug but for NERDS. End of story. Karmas a bitch

bad timing... Cataclysm comes out Tuesday. He probably won't be much help with the kid!

You deserve it for being married to a WoW addict.

smydiwannafthata 5

You deserved it for getting pregnant. Learn to swallow a pill or swallow the load.

jbsoftball 0

your husband needs to get a life.

malisa916 7

I didn't go to the hospital right away when I went into labor with either one of my sons. Even drove myself to the hospital for my second after I was tired of playing computer games. I got a ride to the hospital with my first after I relaxed and watched tv. I just figured why go to the hospital right away, lay in an uncomfortable bed and get poked and prodded every hour when I could be comfortable in my own home until it was really time to go. Everybody's different though.

Divorce his self centered ass and get the computer in the divorce settlings...I hate WOW its pointless

Castrate him with a spoon. After that, get a cattle prod and stab him with it every time he plays. It won't take him long to learn that WoW equals severe pain.

Man... If it was a dungeon or battleground or something I could understand you getting mad... But you don't frickin interrupt a raid! WoW for life noobs.