By Girl - 19/08/2009 00:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I was playing catch with my 6 year old cousin in the garden, when he demanded a piggy back. Trying to be the good cousin, I did so and he soon shouts "Run! Run!" so I do so. Suddenly he shouts "STOP! My winky's gone pointy". I gave my 6 year old cousin an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 137
You deserved it 5 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm...Could you give me a piggy back ride too?

well that's nice... you were giving him the ride of his life! his 6 years of life! lol. in a couple years you'll be replaced by some other chick tho... i just hope you're ready for that. haha.


xGet_Over_It 0

wtf? how does that make the OP a ****?

loludeserveit 0

it might have been a joke.... O.O


Haha, don't worry, Tarynkd is the same person who thought a ******** and g-spot were the same thing, don't mind her.

i didnt thnk they could get erections till around 9

nateshelton 0

u can't cum until ur nine but u get erections when ur 4.

U can't make semen until ur at puberty

My 7 month old has been getting them since birth. It's a boy thing.

well at least he isn't calling you ugly lol my cousin whose like 1 1/2years old was playing with my aunts shoulder massage thing that vibrates and he put that to his wee wee sooooo i guess thats males natural instinct... lmfaoooo

You are stupid. Guys get them at random times. And i know when im rubbing agaist something with my "winky" ill get an errection

Kidd just get them when they're excited they have no idea what they are used for or anything. Get over yourself.