By Girl - 19/08/2009 00:23 - United Kingdom

Today, I was playing catch with my 6 year old cousin in the garden, when he demanded a piggy back. Trying to be the good cousin, I did so and he soon shouts "Run! Run!" so I do so. Suddenly he shouts "STOP! My winky's gone pointy". I gave my 6 year old cousin an erection. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 137
You deserved it 5 328

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm...Could you give me a piggy back ride too?

well that's nice... you were giving him the ride of his life! his 6 years of life! lol. in a couple years you'll be replaced by some other chick tho... i just hope you're ready for that. haha.


U find it adorable when little kids get erections? o.0

disney_king 0

is that even possible?? I THOUGHt u couldnt get an erection until puberty?!

DarkBlisBT 0

you obviously dont have children, or in this case, a baby boy...

minenotyours 0

my three year old cousin fingers herself whenever I give her a bath... I try to tell her to stop but she just shakes her head and smiles. lol. but i think the OP has a future job cut out for her ;)

wow you have a little pervert for a cousin XD

hahahaha, hollyyyyy shhhheeeittt that's the funniest thing I've ever heard:)

holy crap that sucks!!! but soo damn funny!

arichan_fml 0

that's gonna be a great little player one day XD

This made me laugh so hard. Thank you :)