By babydoll13211 - 04/09/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was at a friend's pool party. He lives on a lake and one of our friends wouldn't get in the water. My best friend and I decided to push him off the dock. Once we had, I turned to see my crush who had watched looked shocked, then said, "You know he can't swim right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 318
You deserved it 66 291

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwosti 0

this is why you shouldn't force people into doing something they dont want to do... learn the lesson honey.....


elfuzzo 0

Who the **** goes through life without learning how to swim? FYL. If he drowned, it's his own fault for not learning what should be a basic skill.

LadyLieDie 1

I completely agree; the guy doesn't want to get in, he doesn't have to. Did you think it'd be funny? Even if he could swim, why would you push him in? It's just not something you do.

Have u ever though OP that he didn't go swimming was because he was embrassed to say he couldn't swim, and u pushing him in like that just humilated him. Show some respect.

i hate people like you. if someone doesn't want to swim, leave them alone. YDI.

Htownmichigan 0

dude your an ass. even if he knew how to swim dont push him. did you think that maybe he had stuff in his pockets? like electronic crap or his wallet or something...

I'm glad you all have derailed this stupid story. All the ones from tonight were so lame. I recently submitted an FML, but it got rejected. Now when I see lame, idiotic or repetitive ones, I think MWWTTS? (Mine Was Worse Than This Shit?) I've often heard that only 1 in 1,000 screenplays are made into movies in Hollywood. Many times I have left a theater thinking that there could not possibly be 999 worse screenplays than the time-suck I just blew 10 bucks on.

I hate people who throw others in water.