By babydoll13211 - 04/09/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was at a friend's pool party. He lives on a lake and one of our friends wouldn't get in the water. My best friend and I decided to push him off the dock. Once we had, I turned to see my crush who had watched looked shocked, then said, "You know he can't swim right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 318
You deserved it 66 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwosti 0

this is why you shouldn't force people into doing something they dont want to do... learn the lesson honey.....


What a twat you are. Who gives a shit if he doesn't want to get in the pool? Leave the guy alone if he doesn't want to go in. You don't have to force him too if he doesn't. You are just a ******* bitch. I hate people like you, who think they're sooooo cool. "Mindy, this guy won't get into the pool, lets force him in! YEAH!" **** you *****.

mo_the_owl 0

"my associate and i are amateur lepidopterists." "youuuu wanna see my stamp collection??" "only if we were philatelists" "-which we aren't!" "smart guy."

omg, that sucks! poor guy... u must look like a total ass to ur crush now, lol i agree with #67 i hoped u saved him

tashakishka 0

They don't. They were just calling it a pool party.. it was more of a lake party.

why would anyone who can't swim go to a pool party? I think this is fake

STFU! _________________________

heh, well what moron go's to a pool party and can't swim

Yea, damn kids these days spending time outside.

What, you didn't even wonder why he didn't jump in? You didn't ask "why don't you want to swim?" YDI, think next time.

Congratulations on being inducted into the "I am One Dumb Sumbish" club.

Could have first said "Get in the water ___" Then your friend woulda replied "No" or "I can't swim so no thanks"