By babydoll13211 - 04/09/2009 21:36 - United States

Today, I was at a friend's pool party. He lives on a lake and one of our friends wouldn't get in the water. My best friend and I decided to push him off the dock. Once we had, I turned to see my crush who had watched looked shocked, then said, "You know he can't swim right?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 318
You deserved it 66 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kwosti 0

this is why you shouldn't force people into doing something they dont want to do... learn the lesson honey.....


Shmoe 0

Why go to a pool party if you can't swim?

potatopeeler 0

I ******* hate people who do that. It's not cool and it's not fun -- people who don't want to go in the water don't want to go in, they're not secretly longing for someone to force them to swim. I've been pulled/pushed into a pool a few times, a couple while I was on my period (when I still used pads, too), and it's annoying as hell. And people who don't want to swim go to pool parties because they want to be there for their friends, especially if it's their birthday. It's boring as ****, but I've done it a few times for close friends.

i would only ever do that if they had been in the water and it was like, pushing them off a floaty thing already kinda IN the lake, therefor..probably knew how to swim. if hes on the dock not in the water, maybe there's a REASON?

I can swim very well, and used to do compete. Now I'm very embarrassed about my body so I don't swim where there are a lot of people around, so never at pool parties. Why should I give up the chance to socialize because I don't want to get in the water? It doesn't matter why he didn't want to get in, it is not anyone else's business and they shouldn't have pushed him in. OP deserves it. Too bad nothing more humiliating happened to her. What a bitch.

Did you think pushing him in would somehow make it more fun? ... If he doesn't want to swim what is the point in forcing him? All its gonna do is piss him off (and in this case, freak him out).

atmalum 0

U guys are the biggest bunch of ******* ever. How is that FML? That is ******* hilarious. If I did that I would just jump in after him and then laught afterwards. U guys need to get a little sense of humor for once. I figured being on a site like this, people would actually be able to laugh about some things, but I realize there are a bunch of ******* on this site.

I fail to see the humour in forcing people to do things they are obviously against. Would you put a spider in the bed of someone who has arachnophobia? I've had things like this happen to me a lot because for some people "No" just isn't a good enough answer. Such almost always ends in an unpleasant experience, and once it resulted in a broken shoulder. Fun times.

elfuzzo 0

"Would you put a spider in the bed of someone who has arachnophobia?" Yes. I have done this before. Phobias are silly and the people who have them need to be cured somehow.

Skjerf 0

Have you ever had any phobias or great fears? I have a great fear of being pushed underwater. I can swim, but not very well, and I'm for some reason unable to hold my breath underwater. I'm working on it myself - in situations where I have control. If anyone thought it would be helpful to throw my into the water or push me under (when they KNEW my situation), I'd have to reconsider my friendship with those people if they'd had so little respect for me and my boundaries - after I'd gotten up again, gotten out of shock and emptied my lungs for water and stopped crying.

Surprising a person with a phobia generally does not get them over it. Usually it makes it worse. They have to gradually get used to the object of their phobia. They may seem silly to you, but who the **** says that your opinion is what we should all go by? If you put a spider in my bed, I'd punch you in the face.

In this case it would have to be a spider that could potentially kill them. Like a black widow. I hope you haven't done -that-...

You must be such great friends if you didn't even know that about him. I would've asked why he was so reluctant to get in the water.

you_and_me_fml 8

That's happens to me... But my dad pushed me cause he thought I was "just being a wuss"

Wow, your dad didn't know you couldn't swim? WTH.