By Anonymous - 01/05/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, I ran into my serious boyfriend of two years at a restaurant. He was sitting with another girl. I went over and asked him who she was. He replied, "Who are you?" Apparently I was the secret girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 991
You deserved it 5 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would mean that you have not met his family or spent enough time or holidays with him to know something was up. You would not know his friends well, you would not be going out in public much, and you would not be having him over to your family's for holidays or anything. YDI if you thought a regular booty-call was a relationship.



woweeeeeeeeeeeeee, **** HIS life. douche. I'm so sorry btw. :,(

Yeah, #59, you're confusing things. We're saying that she thought she was the main gf. He denied knowing her to the MAIN gf when she saw them together. Your case is different. If he was two-timing you, chances are the other woman didn't see him enough to think he was all hers.

utdftw 0

wow, you're pretty stupid aren't you hunny

54: Oh please we all know you are a virgin, living in your mothers basement. Sucks for you OP.

Kitty34_fml 0

That really sucks. You should have said personal things about him (his middle name, where he lives, his favourite TV show, etc) so the other girl would know you're not some crazy lady claiming to be his girlfriend.

AntiChrist7 0

that you don't notice it for 2 years + you choose an ass as boyfriend= YDI

#27: aw. Someone thinks that he's a nice guy who's entirely blameless in his ability to get women, doesn't he? Unlike you, I lack the authority to speak for each and every one of the ~3 billion women on the planet. BUt the ones who will seek out 'bad boys' who will walk all over them usually have horrible self-destructive issues. The ones who try to 'tame' bad boys are control freaks, or have some silly notion of romance, or want a project, not a boyfriend. For my own part, I think bad boys are fine as friends - granted, not very good ones as they can get a little grating, but fun enough. In a boyfriend, though, an attention-seeking brat who needs to show off how he's a REBEL who just DOESN'T GIVE A **** is incredibly annoying (This is why it's best to be friends with them in small doses). Fair play to people who can look past the annoying, but as I said, those people aren't interested in a boyfriend first and foremost. #37: omg u r so random. I wish i cud b random jus lyk u. ololololol geddit? Don't go around saying you're trying to be zany. Ever. Please. In fact, don't go around trying to be zany. If you're trying, it means you're doing it wrong and looking for attention.