By Anonymous - 01/05/2009 11:36 - United States

Today, I ran into my serious boyfriend of two years at a restaurant. He was sitting with another girl. I went over and asked him who she was. He replied, "Who are you?" Apparently I was the secret girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 991
You deserved it 5 363

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That would mean that you have not met his family or spent enough time or holidays with him to know something was up. You would not know his friends well, you would not be going out in public much, and you would not be having him over to your family's for holidays or anything. YDI if you thought a regular booty-call was a relationship.


kellster 2

I'm also confused as to how this was going on for two full years and you had no clue. I'm not saying YDI; anyone who says that is blaming the entirely wrong person here. Obviously the guy is a ******** for stringing two people along like that for so long! I'm just wondering how he actually pulled that off without either of you figuring it out.

waxstigmata 0

27- i'm gonna assume you haven't been with alot of chicks if you actually think that all girls want is a "bad ass", i'm gonna chalk it up to you being a bitter ass about something in your past. anyway, about the post, that sucks nuts, you should inflict some sort of pain on his genitalia

hellohellohellno 0

consider maybe that she WASN'T the secret girlfriend for the full two years. he could have JUST started seeing this new chick and likes her better , so he pretended like SHE was a stranger and the girl he was WITH was his ACTUAL girl. it isn't written that the other irl hd been with him as long as the OP. please give her the benefit of the doubt, she isn't "stupid" because she's being cheated on; she's the victim here. I've cheated on a genius before, doesn't erase the fact that he was a genius.

k4us 0

well, that is mean that'd he do it? but instead of embarrasing yourself, you should of like texted or called him? :)

aww that is sad I agree with number 2. are you closeted in your room or something the entire time you've been going out with him? I call this faaaake.

You should have explained everything at that point. He lied to you for two years probably.

how does this keep happening? how dumb are these girls that they dont know that their "serious boyfriend" is cheating on them. two years? come on. i found out that my ex cheated on me the day it happened. that sucks, but you deserve it for 1: dating a douchebag like that guy and 2: being so retarded that you couldnt see that you were being played. how did you not notice he only spent half his time with you?