By Anonymous - 28/02/2010 11:16 - Canada

Today, a wild squirrel managed to get into my house. I can't see him… but I can hear him in the walls. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 140
You deserved it 2 605

Same thing different taste

Top comments


tereshay 0

that's creepy! Get out ur squirrel huntinq gear!!

TantrumGirl 0

How did it get INTO your house and THEN into a wall? Do you have holes in your walls?

Kylias 6

Hey, did you know that walls separate inside from outside? Trippy, I know! :D

Kylias 6

I had that awhile ago, and it was way too clever. We set out a spring-loaded cage on the roof with a peanut on the inside and when we came home one day it was sitting on top of the cage, safe and sound, eating the peanut. Eventually my mom managed to catch it, but we found out that it's illegal in MI to let a wild animal loose anywhere but your own property, and we knew that if we let him out on our property he'd find a way back in... my mom had to kill him. It made me really sad because he was such a worthy adversary. She killed him before I got the chance to request that we keep him as a pet. :'D

ooo that happened to me once. not fun. not fun at all

hootersgirl 0

I had squirrels stuck in my house, too. If it is just the start of hearing them in your walls, go into your attic or whereever they can in at and put fox urine and moth balls. They hate those. Also, you need to make sure to patch up anywhere that they could've gotten in and lay a trap up there so you can let it go somewhere away from your house. I had a whole family of squirrels chew through my house boards and get into my attic. They did thousands of damage. FML. haha. Stop them while you're ahead.

boatkicker 4

They sell it at pet stores and garden shops.

dorworters 9

haha, what, opposed to those TAME squirrels?

FireNinja 3

I have 2 in my house. one male and one female.... your not alone OP