Kinda awkward

By Anonymous - 21/09/2013 01:18 - United States - Tampa

Today, my boyfriend and I were having sex, when his condom came off inside of me. We couldn't get it out, so I had to tell my mom, who didn't know we were sexually active, and then go to the ER. After an unsuccessful visit, we came home only to find the condom in my sheets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 246
You deserved it 37 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one reason a condom comes off prematurely. One little reason. One very LITTLE reason.

sassypants93 17

Sounds like you are too young if you have to call your mom to go to the emergency room..


As my husband always says, " You must be 10% smarter than what you're trying to do. If the two of you can't even work a condom correctly, for the sake of humanity, PLEASE learn. You don't need to breed.

This worries me. Either op is either incredibly stupid, or too young, but most likely both.

if you have to tell your mom when you think a condom is in you, you are way too young for sex. wait until you're mature enough to find it yourself.

Good to hear your mom wasn't going crazy and was being helpful towards you. And at least now your mom knows and you know you can come to her for help, if anything should ever happen again!

If you have to ask your mom to drive yo around, you are to young for sex

Even if it WAS stuck up there, would it really be so hard to fish it out?? Better to call your mom and go to ER...which probably means you're too young for sex anyway.

I clicked YDI cause one, you should always check the sheets and two, a basic understanding of female anatomy would let you know if can't get lost up there.

Really? Well, my guess is those people who visited us in the ER with a condom (and/or various other objects) stuck up their ho-ha's were just imaginary... I think you need to brush up on your 'basic anatomy' skills...