It's alive!

By notmyrealname123 - 25/08/2014 00:08 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, I found my cat downstairs with a squirrel dangling from his mouth. When I saw this, I yelled at my cat to put it down. He did. Turns out the squirrel was still alive and run. I had to spend the next three hours chasing it out of my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 725
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your cat actually obeyed you. That's pretty rare for cats.

That's some Chip and Dale action right there.


Next time, make sure that your cat is not bringing it to you alive so you can take care of it without a hustle. One smart cat though...

Very dumb move OP. Your cat did not "listen" to you, you just startled him and releasing the prey is their normal reaction. YDI

That's more of an FML on the squirrel's part: today, my life almost ended when a cat decided to put me into it mouth before bringing me to its lair. Then its human chased me around for hours. Couldn't find a way back into the outside world

My cat did something similar, but with a frog. Only I didn't know he had it.

consumer1234567 4

sorry for being this guy but the squirrel ran not run