It's alive!

By notmyrealname123 - 25/08/2014 00:08 - Canada - Kitchener

Today, I found my cat downstairs with a squirrel dangling from his mouth. When I saw this, I yelled at my cat to put it down. He did. Turns out the squirrel was still alive and run. I had to spend the next three hours chasing it out of my house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 725
You deserved it 6 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least your cat actually obeyed you. That's pretty rare for cats.

That's some Chip and Dale action right there.


Sorry ,I want to know where do you live? squrrel can be in your home ? In woods?

Hiimhaileypotter 52

What happened was OP's cat went outside hunting and got the squirrel, then brought it back inside. The squirrel didn't actually get inside the house by itself. :)

sigh. you never yell at your cat when it has been hunting. It's like yelling at a kid for making you a painting :P ..

Except a painting is in no way destructive to the house and possibly other family members.

Cats hunt and bring you a kill because they count you as part of their pack and think you're incapable of hunting for yourself. A cat doesn't know it's destructive.

A kid painting on the walls is kind of destructive.

A kid painting on the walls would be destructive, which is why you wouldn't allow them to do it. I understand a cat brings in a kill as a present for the owner, and that's fine if the owner doesn't mind having dead carcasses or live animals being brought in the house. However, I don't think it's ok to tell someone not to tell their cat not to do it. Especially as a live animal can be destructive to your house, and if you have children, live wild animals, or dead carcasses could be extremely harmful to your children. Again, it's fine if you don't mind having your cat bring their kill in the house, but I understand that some people do mind and I don't think it's fair to say they can't tell their cat not to do it or imply they are being mean or unfair to their cat for doing it.

to be perfectly honest, if that's a problem for you, you shouldn't have an outdoor cat oO .. it's that simple, really.

Chaith 16

Suuuure, your cat listened to your actual command, haha. Cats will never listen.

PoisonOrchid 21

Exactly! And this is why I hate cats.

Cats do listen, when it's convenient for them and furthers their plans for creating mayhem as in this case.

Alive and run? Usually most animals will play dead in the mouths of predators so that they can get away which you now just found out

PoisonOrchid 21

My dog did the exact same thing to me. Except I was 9 months pregnant and home alone getting ready to go to the hospital for my c section at the time. This truly does suck, OP!

I'd love to know what your cat was thinking while you were dealing with the squirrel.

The cat was probably too busy not giving a damn, like most cats do. He did his job (or so he thought) and expected his owner to do theirs.

Thats why i have a dog it would have finished the job

skyeyez9 24

My dog ate a prairie dog once and later barfed it up on my mother in law's new carpet.

skyeyez9 24

I never had a cat, but would always play with my neighbor's cat as a child. Their cat would always leave decapitated rabbits and ravens on my porch. My parents were worried cause they initially thought it was a neighborhood psycho person leaving mutilated animals. I later learned that cats bring you their kill as a gift.

lacrosse_53 10
sioux4 17

Aww man, I feel ya. My cat did the same thing only with a bird.