Creative mind

By Dean Heffern - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was paired up with a partner in my film class. He has an idea for a film: "Shoot an onion from all angles, light it on fire, and roll it down a hill." He was dead serious. I'm stuck with this guy for the whole year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 540
You deserved it 4 201


Stuff on fire and stuff that gets blown up make the best movies, especially for guys. Your not trying to date him, thank him for the A

ulicksam 0

Your bitching means nothing unless you have a better idea, and I don't see one.

ydi for not recognizing talent. this man has vision!

Some people just don't appreciate art. And others are too artsy to make any sense. The war between these two groups will never end.

itsmeyippie 0

Not meaning to ruin your moment of height, but the Mona lisa is a painted picture, true art is what people do every day, living lives, and having fun times with friends or family. Your form of art is no more than unliving objects

Privations_fml 3

That is a great idea! What is wrong with you?

TrollsHaveSouls 0

you strike me as being a very angry person.

If you don't like it then do something about it.