Creative mind

By Dean Heffern - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff

Today, I was paired up with a partner in my film class. He has an idea for a film: "Shoot an onion from all angles, light it on fire, and roll it down a hill." He was dead serious. I'm stuck with this guy for the whole year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 540
You deserved it 4 201


ObeyTheSnarf 0

#39 - That was extremely rude, immature, and uncalled for! WTF is your problem?!? Go jump off of the nearest tall building or bridge... without the bungee cord! >=-(

SirEBC 7

That's a good idea. It would make a lot of people cry.

sixfoot2 0

you guys will end up making a masterpiece...until then put in on those awesome ideas

Seems like a lame idea. For research watch Attack of the Killer Tomatoes?

Quit bitching, sounds like this guy has some ideas. You need to contribute to this project, don't make him carry you all semester.

jessica_alexine 0

soooo. I would drop film class :/ orrrrr get a new partner!!!

alexbowdey 0

WHOA. mind blown. I'd pay to see that... just saying...