By ShouldHaveDoneItMyself - 05/07/2016 17:04 - Sudan

Today, I didn't have the courage to tell the guy who likes me that I only thought of him as a friend, so I asked my best friend to do it for me. It turns out that her way of doing this is telling him to "Fuck off" and then punching him in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 124
You deserved it 12 398

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you know if a guy ever tries to do something... unsavory... to you, she will kick his ass

I would hate to see what she would do if a guy DIDN'T like you


At least you know if a guy ever tries to do something... unsavory... to you, she will kick his ass

mariri9206 32
flyingflies 36 may send a medical bill OP's (or her friend's) way?

lexiieeex3 32

That was extremely inappropriate and rude of your friend. Maybe next time you'll have the balls to do it yourself and not have others do your dirty work so misunderstandings like these don't happen again.

jentrynicole 20

Punching someone in the face is not a "misunderstanding." Yes, OP should have done it themselves but how were they supposed to know their friend was going to punch them?

I assumed that she would know that her friend is the type of person to do something like that. People don't just have random violent outburst, it's usually part of their personality.

Now what you should do is go out with him for a month and see how you like since your so called friend punch him

What?? Why?? Out of sympathy? That's the worst type of date.

What?? Why?? Out of sympathy? That's the worst type of date.

F your life? I don't know man. He got punched in the face and cussed at by some girl because you simply couldn't pluck up the courage to speak to him yourself. More like F his life to be honest... Your username really speaks the truth though, so there's that! :)