No internet, just cuddles

By Anonymous - 28/09/2019 16:00

Today, my cat decided that the best place for her to pee was over the surge protector where my modem, router, and printer are plugged in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 525
You deserved it 209

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ViviMage 38

That's a statement! You need to clean her litterbox badly! Even with a littermaid box, my cat will find it distasteful and need to tell me as such. You can get baking soda pet odor boxes it just use the baking soda in your cabinet. But her nose is 10x stronger than yours.

A smart cat would aim for the CPU*. *Cat Pee Urinal


Major_Haywire 7

I took the cover off my PC to carry out a minor upgrade. Left the room for 2 min only to come back to witness my cat spraying all over the innards. PC ruined

ViviMage 38

That's a statement! You need to clean her litterbox badly! Even with a littermaid box, my cat will find it distasteful and need to tell me as such. You can get baking soda pet odor boxes it just use the baking soda in your cabinet. But her nose is 10x stronger than yours.

A smart cat would aim for the CPU*. *Cat Pee Urinal

Next one to get has to be cat rated with plugs all over the unused slots / holes

YDI. You're owned by a cat. You chose to allow the little hellspawn to invade your living space.

did the cat get electrocuted? asking for a friend