By Noname - 18/03/2009 01:24 - United States

Today, while I was out to eat, I was approached by the restaurant manager. He told me that while he respected my personal choices, his patrons didn't feel comfortable with someone who used to be a man using the women's restroom. He thought I was a transsexual. I am a naturally-born female. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384 040
You deserved it 36 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why people would be uncomfortable seeing someone using the restroom, I mean the woman's washroom have stalls... unless you were standing while peeing... or doing perverted shit by peeking on someone then yea. I'm a female and I walk into the guy's if the girl's is locked. Seriously, transsexual or not, if you have to go you have to go. But then again a guy wouldn't be comfortable seeing a female in their washroom. I feel for you but I can't help but laugh at this situation.

Most transgendered people I know look *fantastic*, you'd be hard pressed to tell. That aside, what the manager did was also against the law (at least in the US). Transgendered people who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery are then LEGALLY the gender they transitioned to. In other words, if you are a transgendered person born a man who transitions to a woman and has surgery, you can have your birth certificate altered. You can also now legally marry a woman in any state in the United States, because you ARE a woman. And all THAT aside, I wouldn't care if someone was a transvestite, if you're dressed as a woman feel free to use the bathroom. Unless the person (ANY PERSON) is doing something other than appropriately using the facility...who cares. :P What a bigot that manager was!


i would sue him for sexual harassment....these days u can sue someone for sexual harassment over any comment about their body, even if a girl walks up to another girl and says her hair looks nice today.

kaseyface 0

it wasnt really rude of the manager...i mean he must've felt really awkward but he was saying it on behalf of his customers

and even if u were a transsexual...he should mind his own f***ing business!!!!

That is illegal in my city. If you happen to live here, sue his ass!

Poor girl. The customers complained, so he obviously had to do his job...and he clearly wasn't sure, so in a way, I kind of feel bad for him, too. He probably felt pretty bad after that, I would assume.

HAHA, maybe you should get some transgender surgery. To male or female, either way might be an improvement.

#49 - They should use the bathroom that has the proper symbol for the parts that they have. Obviously. Even if they have some mental disorder that makes them think they're a woman, if they have a penis, they should use the men's bathroom. Same goes for people with a ****** who think they're men. Use the women's bathroom. It's simple. In my opinion, the manager was in the right. The situation is screwed up overall, but he had to weigh his options. a) Several people had complained and would potentially leave and cost him business if he didn't do something about the person making them uncomfortable. b) Upset one person and risk her business, but at the same time gain a bit of "customer loyalty" with the complainers. From a business standpoint, it's a no-brainer. What he did wasn't illegal. If he had said, "stay out of that bathroom" it *might* have been illegal, but he said, "you using that bathroom makes the real women uncomfortable" and hoped that you would be uncomfortable enough to stay out of that bathroom. At times like this I'm reminded of that lovely little sign that says, "We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone!" Guess what, thanks to that wonderful sign, he could have simply said, "Get out." He wouldn't have had to offer any explanation at all. Or he could have simply said, "You're making other guests uncomfortable." It's not illegal and if I had been him, that's what I would have done instead of actually telling you the real complaints.

Legally, all I've heard about is that NO business can refuse service to anyone without reason, or else they can be sued.

Tripodi 0

For one thing, people shouldn't have complained. You weren't doing anything disruptive in the bathroom, I'm sure. Secondly, I hope you complained and go to that restaurant free whenever you want or something.

It's Noname! This person posts like 10 FMLs a day and they are clearly all made up.. Don't sympathize it's rubbish.