By Noname - 18/03/2009 01:24 - United States

Today, while I was out to eat, I was approached by the restaurant manager. He told me that while he respected my personal choices, his patrons didn't feel comfortable with someone who used to be a man using the women's restroom. He thought I was a transsexual. I am a naturally-born female. FML
I agree, your life sucks 384 040
You deserved it 36 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I don't see why people would be uncomfortable seeing someone using the restroom, I mean the woman's washroom have stalls... unless you were standing while peeing... or doing perverted shit by peeking on someone then yea. I'm a female and I walk into the guy's if the girl's is locked. Seriously, transsexual or not, if you have to go you have to go. But then again a guy wouldn't be comfortable seeing a female in their washroom. I feel for you but I can't help but laugh at this situation.

Most transgendered people I know look *fantastic*, you'd be hard pressed to tell. That aside, what the manager did was also against the law (at least in the US). Transgendered people who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery are then LEGALLY the gender they transitioned to. In other words, if you are a transgendered person born a man who transitions to a woman and has surgery, you can have your birth certificate altered. You can also now legally marry a woman in any state in the United States, because you ARE a woman. And all THAT aside, I wouldn't care if someone was a transvestite, if you're dressed as a woman feel free to use the bathroom. Unless the person (ANY PERSON) is doing something other than appropriately using the facility...who cares. :P What a bigot that manager was!


rosetintedglassz 0

You should post the name of the restaurant. You would be suprised how many people would find that restaurant's stance on basic human decency objectionable and would prefer to take their business elsewhere.

K this Noname person is clearly fake.....they have 2 at least 2 other posts on the front page....and they're always someone different in the stories....first she's a teen then apparently she's old enough to have a 13 yr old daughter and next she's 22 ? smells like a load of shit to me

Yeah, and what's up with that guy, "Anonymous"? First he lives in South Africa, then the USA, then France, then Singapore! A pile of steaming turd indeed! What a ****!

FOAD Tyga. Swear to god, FML attracts some of the dumbest bastards from the human gene pool. If one more person tries to feel like a smart guy by calling fake, I'm gonna flip a shit and mail them a goddamn nail bomb. Even if you weren't illiterate shitheads, do you idiots REALLY THINK such a blatantly fake FML would get approved? SMFD.

and it's frustrating that a fake is allowed to post so many crap just ruins the whole experience

alex_vik 0

GoldenTyga - Wow, FML needs to put up a giant banner that says 'TO: IDIOTS THAT THINK NONAME IS ONE PERSON. NONAME = ANONYMOUS. NO MORE COMMENTS SAYING NONAME IS FAKE WILL BE ALLOWED' Seriously, learn to understand the most basic things of the internet before posting. It's people like you that ruin the whole experience.

MsSippi 0

haha yes totally agree with you 47

AngelAshley 0

@#40: "2. If you have a ******, you should be able to use the restroom, not if you wear female clothing." Tansexuals usually have to wait at least 2 years before the operation as a psycological evaluation to make sure it's the right thing. What should they do during this period?

wow. that sucks so bad. did you at least tell him the truth and make him give you a free meal or something? he shouldn't just assume something THAT SERIOUS. that's terrible of him, and you could sue if you wanted to spend the money

alex_vik 0

#50 - The customers complained, not him. He was just doing his job.

Naah. His job was to tell the people complaining that it would be illegal for him to harass another customer based on their theories of what genitalia she was born with.

That's ****** up on so many levels. I'd have stood up and asked in a very loud voice if he wanted proof that I was female, and then demanded an apology from him, the other patrons and then told them exactly what I thought of their treatment of actual transgender folk and left.