By Joy - 16/06/2010 14:42 - Denmark

Today, we had guests coming over. My dad wanted me to make some bacon, but I refused because I'm a vegetarian, and don't like to touch meat. His response? 'Good joke honey, now make the bacon.' FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 063
You deserved it 19 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

or maybe the,"good joke honey" was sarcasm for,"I know you've given a million handjobs,just touch it" think about it!!

or your dad knows you are a vegetarian but assumed that you could still at least touch meat. refusing to touch it seems extreme.


l3allin_all_day 0

I ate lamb for dinner and it was sooooo goood

sloop_fml 0

***breaking news*** you are allowed to touch meat as a vegan, moron. ever been laid? if not, plan to?

*** Breaking News *** OP is not a vegan. Sex jokes are irrelevant and definitely not witty.

skyeyez9 24

I eat meat, but not lamb. It stinks so bad when you cook it. No matter if its baked or grilled. Imo it tastes like it smells...yuck.

Just do a horrible job preparing it, and chances are you'll never be asked to cook again.

OfficerNasty95 0

thats what u get for being a vegetarian dumbass

Oh great the vegetarian debate again. Didn't we just do this like a week ago?

Some of you are vegetarian, yet you buy and eat products that are designed to look and taste like meat? That's pretty pathetic if you ask me.

#215- A lot of us vegetarians aren't in it because we just don't like the taste of meat... I used to love meat, but I decided that being a vegetarian was a much healthier way to go. And hey! I lost 10 pounds because of it. (: Fake meat allows us to enjoy what we pass up on in a healthier way.

chapachristina4 0

215- I love meat but I like to challenge myself so I went vegetarian..I became healthier. so some vegeterians also do it to challenge themselves..unfortunately I went back to eating meat :(

Yes you returned to the delicious meaty side. Who can resist ^_^

chapachristina4 0

hahaha! I just imagined darth vader saying that xD

RedPillSucks 31

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. We will add your "meatalogical" distinctiveness to our own. From this day forward, you will service us. with delicious slabs of rack-of-lamb, served on a bed of lettuce sprinkled with ginger and lightly sauteed in some red wine.

asshole. I would just be such a bitch to him for two years.

ninjasaurous 0

I used to be a vegetarian and really, it wasn't that bad and i got the perfect amount of protein to keep me healthy so the people that say vegetarians dont get enough protein, you're wrong!